The Foundation

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The Foundation was started in 1998 by Mr. John Davis, Founder of the Kegel Company.

He called together most of the country's top lanemen in an attempt to find answers to what Is perhaps the most controversial area in all of sports, the subject of: "lane conditioning".

Today, there are almost as many opinions on “how” the lanes should have been oiled, as there are bowlers. This group of experts met in Sebring, Florida & formed a guild of "lanemen” who were seeking answers to the existing problems that plague our sport.

Taking care of the lanes on the PBA Tour, the Senior Tour and providing machines, patterns, oils, cleaners, etc; to the PBA Regional Program has enabled the Kegel Company and The Foundation some very important data. This gathering of pertinent information (along with data from many other scratch events around the World) is valuable research that can lead the way to solving some of the problems that we have already identified.

This, you may imagine, is a very expensive endeavor. Because of the tremendous expense involved, The Foundation was started. Many caring individuals inquired as to how they could help. As of this year (2007), there are almost 1400-Members who have joined this very prestigious Group. The Members’ realize that it is NOT really our responsibility to find the answers to the problems, but they also WANT to help. One of our sayings is:

"You DON'T need to be a laneman to know that there are problems.
 YOU just need to be a laneman to know how bad the problems really are."

We, at "The Foundation", have established many short and long-term goals. We are currently accepting new Members and welcome your support of this monumental & necessary PROJECT. If you really care about our Sport, you can join The Foundation and lend your support.

Foundation color.jpg


The Foundation

Keglerx 21:14, 3 August 2007 (EDT)