Over Rolled Full Roller

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Layout Information

Over-Rolled Full Roller Examples 2.jpg

This layout is a very specialized and rare need for bowlers.
Please be sure the bowler has negative tilt and the positive axis point is in the neighborhood of 7 3/4" over and 2" up.

From Blueprint:
Sorry for the delay in getting this posted...it took a couple of exchanges with Mo to understand the "upside down" layout terminology and translate it into something that can be input into Blueprint. At any rate, attached are the results (right).

The top left image shows Mo's layout in a ball with a short pin, per his suggestion. This requires a large balance hole below the mid-line and near the pin in order to get the static weights legal.
As shown in the bottom left image, it flares as Mo described in his previous post.
Also, you can see why you probably wouldn't want to put a weight hole above the mid-line, as the ball would likely roll over it on the backend.

The right set of images is just a random experiment to see what you might try if you didn't have a short pin ball. This example uses a ball with a very long pin-to-CG distance of 6". In this case, you can see that it is possible to achieve somewhat similar results and keep it statically legal with no balance hole by tweaking the layout to something that puts the CG in the vicinity of the grip center.

This post probably barely scratches the surface on this topic, but we hope some of you find this to be useful.
