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Instructional Material

To see what material has been reviewed by forum members, search for 123xyz

Impetus for rating polls On July 3 2012, A forum member wrote: How about having a section in the Wiki for books? Could we have them rated too by those of us who read them?

A template was created wherein members of the forum could rate instructional material. The idea was to create a somewhat dynamic list of our members ratings. Any member can use this or their own template. The Bowling Bookstore is an Internet Vendor of Bowling Instructional media and other bowling related material It is listed here because it contains many books and videos on the sport of bowling.

Topic Name - Rate/Review - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Creation of these polls is intended to be an ongoing process, e.g. Search for 123xyz which was embedded as a potential unique string This will return all polls created with this string.

The Initial Template follows -

This is a prototype based on a members request via

[b][color=#FF0000]Search Key: 123xyz Use the above search key to pull all polls used with this template.[/color][/b]

If you've read, watched, or listened to, please take the time to rate it via the poll.

[b][color=#FFFF00]Title Authors name (Author)[/color][/b]

The higher the number, the higher your opinion of this material.

Editorialize if you'd like to complement your rating

You may change your mind at a later date!

Poll question area

1 Lowest Opinion




5 Highest Opinion