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== Instructional Material ==  
== Instructional Material ==  
'''Last Update January 8, 2013'''<br />
'''Last Update February 8, 2013'''<br />
'''The Bowling Educational Material listed below have been reviewed by forum members''' (with a few exceptions.
'''The Bowling Educational Material listed below have been reviewed by forum members''' (with a few exceptions.
If you have read or viewed these or any others, please add your reviews.<br />
If you have read or viewed these or any others, please add your reviews.<br />

Revision as of 17:06, 8 February 2013


Two-handed Bowling

Mental Game Toolbox

Lane Play



Instructional Material

Last Update February 8, 2013
The Bowling Educational Material listed below have been reviewed by forum members (with a few exceptions. If you have read or viewed these or any others, please add your reviews.
For additional reviews and opinions, try www.amazon.com then search by name, then look for customer reviews. You may also find or stumble upon reviews on other forums via Internet Search Engines. There is a prototype format that follows the list.

Books - The Written Word

Bowling Execution - 2nd Edition
by John Jowdy (Feb 13, 2009)

Bowling Fundamentals - a better way to learn the fundamentals
by Michelle Mullen (2004) (Feb 13, 2009)

BOWLING: The Handbook of Bowling Pschology
by Eric Lasser, Fred Borden, Jeri Edwards

FOCUSED for BOWLING: Mental Skills to Master Every Shot
by Dean Hinitz

Intrinsic Bowling - Beyond "The Zone" Into The Inner Bowler (Volume 1)
by Dr. Dennis A. Hooker PhD and Palmer Fallgren (Oct 15, 2012)

Let it go
by Palmer Falgren

Par Bowling: The Challenge
by Thomas C. Kouros

Play the High Friction Game CD
by Mo Pinel

See It, Feel It, Do It
by Mo Pinel

The Game Changer: A simple system for improving your bowling scores
by Mark Baker

The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance
by W. Timothy Gallwey, Zach Kleiman and Pete Carroll (May 27, 1997) http://forum.bowlingchat.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6440&hilit=key%3A123xyz

by George Allen


A Pro's Guide To Better Bowling - Volume 1 -VHS
by Don Johnson

A Pro's Guide To Better Bowling - Volume 2 - VHS
by Don Johnson

Dick Ritger Series Volume 1: The Perfect Strike Feeling - DVD
by Dick Ritger

Dick Ritger Series Volume 2: Developing Accuracy & Playing Angles - DVD
by Dick Ritger

Norm Duke - Learn to Bowl Competitively DVD
by Norm Duke


Ball Drilling For Dummies Series
with Tim Burg, Joey Cerar, and Mo Pinel

Internet Assets

Above 180 Take your game to the next level
Tim Burg and Joey Cerar

Ron Clifton's Articles Archive
Articles by Ron Clifton

Next Level Bowling - 6 Video Lessons by Norm Duke
Found withing the Tech Tips Tab - Instructional Videos

Richard Shockley's VideoTips

Joe Slowinski's Bowling Knowledge

Prototype format information

Impetus for rating polls On July 3 2012, A forum member wrote: How about having a section in the Wiki for books? Could we have them rated too by those of us who read them?


A template was created wherein members of the forum could rate instructional material. The idea was to create a somewhat dynamic list of our members ratings. Any member can use this or their own template. The Bowling Bookstore is an Internet Vendor of Bowling Instructional media and other bowling related material http://www.bowlingbookstore.com/home.html It is listed here because it contains many books and videos on the sport of bowling.

Topic Name - Rate/Review - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Creation of these polls is intended to be an ongoing process, e.g. Search for 123xyz which was embedded as a potential unique string This will return all polls created with this string.

The Initial Template follows -

This is a prototype based on a members request via http://forum.bowlingchat.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6159

[b][color=#FF0000]Search Key: 123xyz Use the above search key to pull all polls used with this template.[/color][/b]

If you've read, watched, or listened to, please take the time to rate it via the poll.

[b][color=#FFFF00]Title Authors name (Author)[/color][/b]

The higher the number, the higher your opinion of this material.

Editorialize if you'd like to complement your rating

You may change your mind at a later date!

Poll question area

1 Lowest Opinion




5 Highest Opinion