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Knowledge is the accumulation of one’s understanding of technique, theoretical applications, lane condition comprehension as well as all equipment considerations. It is an acquaintance of facts, truths and principles. Human is imperfect and that’s why we need to learn to be as perfect as possible by gaining more knowledge to progression.

This elementary information is the beginning of an infinite learning process, for no one will ever experience everything in bowling. Because its environment and methodology keep improving, the game is continually evolving. Science is steadily uncovering a better understanding of the biomechanics, chemistry and physical laws related to bowling. And similar to other sports, we must adjust our knowledge accordingly

In the widest perspective, knowledge is approached in two ways:

1. The rational information one has that was inborn; and 2. The information one has that can be learned through personal participation.

Undeniably, one can effectively apply a form of knowledge even if the source of that knowledge is mysterious and undefined. There are bowlers who have outstanding games and make great shots without being able to explain on what they are doing. However, they do “feel it” and realize that it is effective, which in itself is a form of knowledge, although less defined and sometimes deceiving.

Furthermore, it is your advantage to vast an amount of knowledge about the game, but this does not necessarily assure success. All of us have heard of coaches who are accused of turning their pupils into “robots”. Their students now perform in such a mechanical manner, which are preventing their own senses. For this reason, many “feel bowlers” tend to reject knowledge because they have a concern about getting “locked up!”

Still others reject knowledge because in the process of coach/student dialogue. They fear their mental abilities will be exposed, this similar to you rather keeping it to yourself only. Does this reaction have merit? Does this going to make you improve tremendously or to cause you an irresolvable barrier?

As for the robotic issue, we are all human who are built differently. Coach’s first duty is to teach fundamentals and nourish knowledge to their students. On top of that, ONE SHOULD NEVER APPLY KNOWLEDGE THAT HE OR SHE CANNOT EFFECT PROPERLY.

Furthermore, while turning away from knowledge is never allowed. A bowler must be careful not to “over think” when competing.FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE, APPROXIMATELY 85 PERCENT OF THE SHOT SHOULD BE SUBCONSCIOUS. This rule applies only when you are in competition. It does not apply when you are practicing.

Practice develops and trains your subconscious mind. In fact, when you are practicing, you are actually striving to develop your “muscle memory”. Believe it or not, the subconscious performs much more efficiently than the conscious mind of the brain. This is best accomplished through a strong thinking process. When practicing, don’t be too concerned on knocking pins or scores. Think primarily about the knowledge that you are trying to subconsciously incorporate into your game by repeating a given execution, again and again, until it becomes instinctive. Keep in mind that when you are practicing, you are concerned on transferring knowledge into your own subconscious mind. That’s a wealth, which only own by you if you successfully managed the transferring process.

Understand that many variables of execution included in the optimum bowling performance cannot be fully administered by the conscious mental. Only the subconscious can ideally demonstrate all of these variables in their proper interval, sequence and degree. Don’t forget! PRACTICE IS THE TIME TO STRONGLY ENGAGE YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS. COMPETING RELIES THE MOST ON YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS.

Taking this a step further, we are all a product of habits. Habits are subconscious acts. Practicing the right techniques develop good habits. On the other hand, practicing the wrong techniques lead to the development of bad habits, which are often very difficult to correct. That is why early instruction is so critical to the ideal development of performance. It is not only accelerates the learning process, but also helps one to avoid the ”pitfalls” of bad habits.

Finally, the smart bowler is the one who uses knowledge prudently and appropriately in competition. For example, knowing when and why to bowl on different rolling tracks on a given lane; knowing when and how to produce more hook on the ball; knowing when to stroke more firmly on the ball release period; and knowing when and how to increase more ball speed.

Through knowledge you will discover important techniques and accommodating options for better bowling. Some of these you will use frequently and some of these you will use sparingly depending on the situation. A major key to bowling success is always striving to use knowledge that is most appropriate for the situation.

KNOWLEDGE OPENS THE DOOR TO PROGRESS. It is involved with every phase of bowling. It comes in many forms and is used in many ways. As you follow me closely in the subscription, you will find a vast amount of material that are directly or indirectly concerns about this subject. The first requirement for a successful bowler is YOUR THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE SHOULD BE AS BIG AS YOUR WILL TO WIN.