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Ratio Discussion

Mo once told me "Determine the ratio of the angles to determine the shape of the ball motion. Axis rotation and axis tilt affect this decision a lot."

Mo more recently said " Once you decide on the ratio, the rest is math".

Since we are all having so much trouble deciding on the ratio, I thought I would share my thoughts just to give a base to work from. Everyone should understand this is definitely not how Mo does this. These are my current thoughts.Just an average with no specific balls in mind. With specific balls and as new balls are released, these numbers will change. I used tilt as the primary factor.I think rotation would come second,followed by speed and revs.I would give rotation more emphasis than speed or revs.

After you have calculated the total sums and before you can calculate the benchmark or sweet sums, it is necessary to find the benchmark ratio.

To accurately calculate the drilling angle and the val angle individually, it is necessary to calculate this for each bowler according to individual specs. Here are some examples of approximate ratios sometimes used by Mo for speed/revs matched + normal rotation.

Tilt Initial Ratio Ratio Range 2:1 Range
7. 2:1 Range
10 2.5:1 3:1 to 2:1
12.5 2:1 Range
15 1.5:1 2:1 to 1:1
17.5 1.25:1 Range
20 1:1 1.5:1 to 1:1.5
25 1:1.5 Range
30 1:2 1:1 to1:3

speed/revs matched with normal rotation

10* tilt= 2.5:1 initial ratio with 3:1 to 2:1 initial range of ratios.
15* tilt=1.5:1 initial ratio with 2:1 to 1:1 initial range of ratios.
20* tilt=1:1 initial ratio with 1.5:1 to 1:1.5 initial range of ratios.
12 1/2* tilt= 2:1 initial ratio (example to self)
17 1/2* tilt= 1.25:1 initial ratio (example to self)
If speed/revs is not matched or rotation is extremely high or low it is necessary to increase or decrease ratios in order to calculate the benchmark ratio. Use the initial ratio as a base for calculations.

speed or rev dominance and/or extreme high or low rotation

Higher speed dominance and/or extreme high rotation=decrease ratios.
Higher rev dominance and/or extreme low rotation= increase ratios.
example # 1 20* tilt with very speed dominant and/or high rotation, the initial ratio would have been 1:1. The new adjusted benchmark ratio will be 1:1.5 with a new ratio range 1:1 to 1:2 (range is an example only).

example # 2 20* tilt with very rev dominant and/or low rotation, the initial ratio would have been 1:1. The new adjusted benchmark ratio will be 1.5:1 with a new ratio range of 2:1 to 1:1(range is an example only).
You could go wider to include more layout options for a wider range of conditions, higher or lower depending on amount of dominance.

Further Notes

These ratios need to be calculated according to amount of speed dominance or rev dominance and/or excessive high rotation or excessive low rotation. you need a correct ratio to utilize in conjunction with your total sums to accurately calculate your sweet sums. Your adjusted ratio range would be used with the +or- total sums to calculate long pattern and short pattern layouts. Mo frequently uses the lower ratio range for control drillings for easy conditions or wet/dry. He frequently uses the higher ratio range for more challenging conditions. The amount you increase or decrease ratios would depend on each individual bowlers specs and the ability of the ball driller to accurately interpret them.

Please note: at 7*of tilt and lower, the ratios seem to get smaller. At 10* of tilt average ratios are 2.5:1. BUT at 7* high revs is closer to 2:1 at 7* tilt high rotation or speed is closer to 1.7:1