Extra hole

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Revision as of 19:53, 8 August 2007 by Megamav (talk | contribs)
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Extra holes are used to fine tune reaction of a bowling ball.

  • Extra holes are optional when considering a layout.
  • A maximum of 1 extra hole is allowed per ball
  • Maximum diameter is 1 3/8" including bevel
  • No limit to extra hole depth

Extra holes can fine tune a reaction based of a distance from positive axis point, midline and vertical axis line (VAL). Extra holes are usually placed on a line through the bowier's positive axix point, horizontally that reference line is the midline, vertially that reference line is the vertial axis line.

Flare Increasing Extra Hole

A flare increasing extra hole is located below the positive axis point (PAP) on the vertical axis line. This location of the extra hole offers and increase in mid-lane, backend reaction and flare. The further away the extra hole gets from the positive axis point at a limit of 6 3/4", the greater the influence on reaction.

Another location for a reaction enhancing extra hole is past the positive axis point on a line parallel to the midline.